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Unlock a World of Possibilities: Elevate Your Federation's Training Standards

Supercharge your sports organization with Athlete Analyzer Federation Hub — a dynamic feature designed to enhance training quality and seamlessly foster collaboration among the national federation, regional teams, academies and clubs across your country.


In many sports federations, the challenge of varying expertise levels in training management among clubs is common. Some clubs boast experienced Strength and Conditioning (S&C) coaches, while others may lack such expertise. To tackle this, federations often share recommended training schedules, exercises, and more via their home page, emails and seminars.


However, a significant challenge persists – even if club coaches read this valuable information, it may not translate into actionable steps. At Athlete Analyzer, we're dedicated to simplifying the sharing of knowledge and experience across all clubs. That's why we've introduced Federation Hub, a groundbreaking solution that instantly addresses this challenge.

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Content and Knowledge Sharing

Share standardized training blocks, workouts, exercises, and tests across all members of your federation.

Coaches and athletes across the whole country will have instant access to the best practice regarding training management and planning. But not the usual way with endless documents and links.


In Athlete Analyzer the federation can create validated training blocks for all clubs to use instantly. The training blocks consist of workouts with exercises during a certain time period like “6 weeks adoption training for Cadets” and “3 weeks Tapering for Cadets”. 


Athlete Analyzer Federation Hub raises the knowledge among coaches and athletes within the country. Not all clubs have the luxury of having high performance S&C coaches. Athlete Analyzer Federation Hub makes sure to democratize the possibilities among the clubs regardless of their own present knowledge and experience and educate the coaches and athletes at the same time. 

Simplified transition from club to national level

Athlete Analyzer makes it possible to collaborate among coaches between different levels like national level, regional level and club level. 


Athletes may train in their local club but also at the regional centre. They can also be part of the national team. Athlete Analyzer makes sure that all the athlete’s coaches will have the same information and can collaborate together to support the athlete in the best possible way.


Transparency is the key to success. When an entire federation embraces a unified platform like Athlete Analyzer Federation Hub, it revolutionizes how teams collaborate and train. 

Membership Management

Effortlessly enable teams and individual users to join a federation. Invite new members seamlessly with generated invite links from the members tab or share them on your federation’s website. Maintain control over membership access with open or approved settings for teams and users.


Get a personalized, one-on-one demonstration of the key features and benefits of Athlete Analyzer with one of our experts.

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