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Introducing: Practice videos

Photo du rédacteur: Athlete AnalyzerAthlete Analyzer

Use the power of video analysis to improve your training – say hello to Practice videos.

Video analysis with Practice videos in Athlete Analyzer

We’re happy to introduce a new feature in Athlete Analyzer called Practice videos. This is a feature that has been requested by many of our users from different sports. With Practice videos, we take the power of video analysis and apply it to training.

Making distance coaching easier

We know that one of the greatest challenges for every martial arts coach is to monitor the training when you don’t meet your athletes on a regular basis. Practice videos offer a quick and easy way of giving feedback between an athlete and the connected coaches, no matter where you are. Practice videos are especially useful in the execution of a new sport specific technique or exercises done in the gym where the feedback from the coaches is important. This makes sure you stay on top of your athletes’ development until you meet again.

How it works

  1. The athlete records a video of a specific training element, for example a certain technique, and uploads the video using the iphone or android app.

  2. All coaches connected to the athlete get a notification of the upload.

  3. Provide feedback by commenting on the video or illustrate your point by pausing the video and drawing directly on the relevant frame. The illustrations become visible together with the written comments.

  4. Does the athlete need more guidance? Record and upload your own video, demonstrating the proper execution of the technique.


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