We have asked Mateo Semiz, Head Coach of Judo Klub Dubrovnik 1966 and National Team Coach in Croatia, to share his experiences using Athlete Analyzer for his team. Read about the benefits he sees using Athlete Analyzer for the development of his youth judo athletes.
This is part two in a series of user stories. You can find part one here. Stay tuned for more user stories to be shared.
Catching up with Mateo Semiz
The Athlete Analyzer was a complete novelty when introduced to the judo world. The Athlete Analyzer (AA) offers a variety of features that until this point could only be seen in sports like football. The app itself includes: training program/schedule, video analysis, quantitative analysis, the ability to record test sessions and workouts or exercises and one especially interesting feature that I found very helpful - reports (feedback and assessment of every single training that athlete sends back to coach after his/her training is done). These reports helped me to facilitate planning of future sessions. On the other hand, reports assist the athlete herself/himself to become more independent, take care of themselves and `listen` how their body reacts to different types of training.
Video analysis are essential in today’s high-level sports and for me as a coach this is the one of the most important AA`s feature. It gives me the possibility of simple and precise video analysis of judo match by dividing contest to active and rest periods. I can easily find in which active period there is a situation/technique that could be interesting to analyze and allows me to insert my comment or solution for that technique. The player doesn`t have to watch the entire match but he/she can just focus on specific situation by watching this short video and reading my suggestions. Afterwards, we can have a joint discussion during the training. In the development of young athletes, coach has a task to find their mistakes and correct them in early stages. I'm currently training cadets and juniors and this video analysis enables me to develop their technique or kumikata more efficiently.

Another very interesting feature I would like to point out is quantitative analysis of techniques, matches, warnings or workouts. For a technical development of players, besides video analysis, additional source of important information is quantitative analysis of directions the judoka uses to throw or fall. This can be done separately for Ai yotsu and Kenka yotsu positions and afterwards implemented into your training sessions. Possibility to get information about rate of technique attacks per match minute and average length of active and rest periods could be used in the player's physical, mental or tactical preparation and development.

MATEO SEMIZ Head Coach of Judo Klub Dubrovnik 1966 and National Team Coach in Croatia