The importance of video analysis and three ways to perform it
It is has become clear that video review (or video analysis) is an integral part of developing athletes across sports. To register and analyze sportdata is crucial to develop today’s athletes. The problem is that it is relatively new to judo, especially at the younger development level. Sportdata for judo is finally gaining greater interest even in younger levels and is now here to stay.
Learning how to perform this process correctly can lead to huge benefits for your judoka. As a general rule there are three practical ways to utilize video review, or some combination of the three.
1. Reinforcing previously applied skills 2. Correcting errors from previous matches 3. Reviewing your opponent for tendencies, strengths and weaknesses.
In all three cases you want to create multiple small clips (or a single short clip) of the the action that you are targeting. You don’t want to sit down with your athlete watching full matches all day waiting for the perfect moments. This means that video review days require a little pre-production and game plan of what you want your athlete to see. The idea being that watching hours of matches, is for one thing an inefficient use of time, but also there is so much information in a match that they may lose context of what the specific skill or action you want them to take. Short clip(s) keep them engaged in the process and focused on the immediate task at hand.
Positive reinforcement
My favoured of the two methods for video review on my own student is in reinforcing a previously applied skill. I believe that positive reinforcement is our most powerful tool as a coach. It builds your student up by showing them something they have done successfully before, which clearly means that they are capable of performing this action again. It builds your athletes confidence which is essential in high performance.
Humans are also incredibly good at mimicking, it is how we learn all of our skills as a baby. To watch something and imitate it is an innate and incredibly powerful way for us to learn. Showing athletes what they are not only capable of, but what they have achieved, can be a great motivator towards future success.
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